My Fab Fam

My Fab Fam
Photo by Thousand Hills Photography. Click on photo to visit their site.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Morning Worship

There's something very serene about being awake at 1:30 on Christmas morning. Makes me wonder what time Jesus was born in that stable, how tired Mary and Joseph must have been, and how surprised they probably were when stranger-shepherds showed up in the dark to worship Him, dirty and worn as they were. 

I think about all the people that might be worn this Christmas. Loss of a loved one, financial struggles, failing health, prodigal sons... It can seem like a dark world sometimes but He came to bring Light. Our loads may be heavy but He came to make them light. Our circumstances may be wearisome, or at best redundant, like watching sheep day after day after long day. But maybe, just maybe we could go ahead and surprise some people by bringing our dirty, worn selves to His precious feet and worshipping Him anyway. 

Merry merry Christmas. 

1 comment:

  1. Simple words laden with wisdom for our daily life! I needed to hear that! Thanks for being "transparent" -- thanks for being YOU!


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